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The Dreamcast ver.5.45 is an evolution of the arcade version of ver.5.4, and yet an earlier ver.5.2. The arcade Ver.5.4 was created to compensate character strengths and weaknesses that was apparent in ver.5.2, giving VOOT more balance. An prime example is Apharmd S. Aphrarmd S is noticeably weaker in ver.5.2. His Center Weapon does not home in as well on any type of shot. Also, ver.5.2's gameplay is a tad slower than in ver.5.45.

Fortunately, the folks at Sega of Japan has included ver.5.2 with the Dreamcast port- albeit you have to unlock it by completing the game with every character, on any difficulty rating. You also may switch characters mid-game. It must be said that you must DESTROY Tagnram without letting the time run out.

Along with the old gameplay of ver.5.2 comes the Public Port. Looking at the pic of the screens on the left, you'll be treated to a Public Port with clear floors and psychedelic moving lines on the floor and up the walls and ceiling. The stage is amazing. Both versions of the Public Port has this huge rotating tunnel that also has hovering vehicles coming to and fro.

The Public Port is the only stage with a different look, but it's well worth the trouble of beating the game with all the characters.