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Close Quarters Combat (CQC) is essentially just that- "combat in close quarters", or fighting in close proximity. VO pilots from Singapore have also dubbed this as "melee" combat. CQC differs from regular combat as the fighting switches from projectile-based attacks to hand-to-hand fighting. Learning proper CQC techniques and proper execution is essential for your overall development as a VO pilot. As CQC attacks inflicts major damage, make it a part of your repertoire for quicker matches and further enjoyment of VOOT.
| Temjin with a "Double-Lock" visual- with the distinctive crosshairs on screen. Notice the RW, CW, and LW ammunition guage all turned yellow- indicating the activation of CQC for each of them. |
CQC attacks can be broken down to LW, CW, and RW attacks and are activated when you get within a specified range (listed in the CQC Table). When you do get within range, an audible 'double click' will be heard and a large crosshair with a doubling of the small crosshairs will occur (I refer to it as a 'double-lock). Since the CQC activation ranges varies, certain CQC attacks will not be available for use even with a double-lock engaged, again, double-check the CQC Table. The ammunition guage for each weapon will become a solid yellow color as you move into the proper range for each weapon, indicating that a CQC can now be performed with that weapon. CQC attacks cannot be performed while in a dash or jump, regardless of the fact that your dash or jump brings up a double-lock. CQC may only be performed while running or in a stationary manner.
TIP: For DC VO pilots, you can go to the Training Mode and fiddle around with game settings (energy, opponent action, etc.) by pressing start. You can adjust the time limit in the Training Mode in the Options found on the main mode screen. Use Practice Mode to practice some of the more tricky CQC techniques.
ABBREVIATIONS LW: Left Weapon CW: Center Weapon RW: RightWeapon If you don't know this by now... shame, shame. |
As with projectile-based weapons, simultaneously pressing LW, RW, or CW with either RT, LT or crouching (DC: A Button) produces different actions with each weapon. The rest of this section is has been written by Rolander.
Left Turbo weapon attacks can be used irregardless of range. Though they are mainly low-damaging attacks, many such can still be effective in dictating the flow of the CQC engagement. (ed.- LT weapon attacks do not change in CQC range. Most are good for defensive purposes- ie: canceling out lasers, missiles, and bombs).
- Standing CQC
- Standing CQC attacks are activated simply by using LW / RW / CW when they are activated for CQC (the ammunition bar, which is normal blue or invisible, turns yellow). They are moderately fast and are easily canceled at any moment via a jump or dash command, but can be defended against via a block, which mostly negates the damage done and leaves the opposing VR still standing and ready to counterattack. It is therefore wise to condition yourself to learn to either jump or dash away upon if you realise that your attack has been guarded against.
- Standing CQC LW or RW attacks are faster but do less damage do not guarantee a knock down upon a clean hit (also subject to the stability of the target), which the slower but more powerful CQC CW do. OTOH, repeated press of LW or RW can often lead to a CQC combination attack consisting of several CQC attacks chained together, but they are not true combos in that hitting with an attack does not guarantee hits for subsequent attacks.
Crouching CQC
Crouching CQC attacks are activated by inputing a crouch or block command and either LW / RW / CW simultaneously. They tend to be slower and the attacks are more difficult to cancel out of, but they are not blockable and guarantee full damage on any contact, plus knocking down the target irregardless of actual damage done or the target's stability.
Again, normally the faster attacks do less damage and vice versa.
Right Turbo CQC
Right Turbo Standing CQC attacks are activated while the player VR is stationary by pressing the Right Turbo button with either LW / RW / CW simultaneously. Actually, they tend to be eye candy moves: mostly flash and show little practical use. However, some of the Right Turbo attacks do have some marginal use in specific situations.
Right Turbo Standing CQC attacks can be canceled more easily than Crouching CQC attacks, though not as easily as the standard Standing CQC attacks. They can be blocked, but blocking only limits the damage. A successful attempt with any Right Turbo Standing CQC attack will knock the target down whether or not he attempts a block. There is no Right Turbo Crouching CQC attacks.
Quickstep CQC
Quickstep CQC attacks are activated while the player VR is stationary. Depress either LW or RW + either LT or RT button simultaneously, then very quickly inputing a right or left (digital pad) move command while still holding down the previous buttons. The VR will execute a sidestepping animation to the right-clockwise or left-counterclockwise; depending on whether the player inputs a right or left move command. Towards the end of the sidestepping, the VR would then attempt to strike the target from the side. Despite using different button combinations, all VR's have only one Quickstep CQC. Quickstep CQC attacks can not be cancelled out of once initiated.
Quickstep CQC attacks are always standing and can be blocked, but not in a normal fashion. If the target was blocking while the Quickstep CQC attack starts and continue to block, the block will be negated and the strike would hit for full damage as well as a guaranteed knock down.
To block a Quickstep CQC attack, initiate the block during the sidestepping motion shortly before the actual strike. If the defender was already blocking, he must release the block when he sees the initial sidestepping motion, then quickly resume his block before the strike hits.
Jumping CQC
Jumping CQC attacks are activated by combining a jump command (Y button) with either LW / RW / CW simultaneously. The VR would do a short jump and come down with a CQC attack. Most VRs have only 1 variation of a Jumping CQC attack irregardless of which combination of triggers the player use. Jumping CQC attacks can not be cancelled out of once initiated.
Like Quickstep CQC attacks, Jumping CQC attacks will negate an initial block command. To block a jumping CQC attack, the block must be initiated after the attacker reaches the apex of the jump and is just starting to come down.
Jumping CQC attacks are probably meant to defeat Crouching CQC attacks. Against Quickstep CQC attacks, the resolution is uncertain or may be dependent on the relative timing of each attack; sometimes the Jumping VR hits and sometimes it is the Quickstepping VR.
Most VRs' Jumping CQC attacks have a very short reach and often must be done at point-blank range or in anticipating of the opposing VR rushing up in time to get smacked from above. Temjin, Cypher, Specineff and Fei-Yen Kn have significantly greater reach in their Jumping CQC attacks as they use their long swords or scythe in the attack itself.
If a VR is landing from a jump or aerial dash and the opposing VR can reach the landing point ahead of the landing VR, it is possible for the opposing VR to execute a Jumping CQC attack and hit the landing VR just as he lands or even in midair. The ammunition gauges would not be glowing yellow until just before the VR actually lands; the opposing pilot must hazard a guess whether the distance is close enough to permit the attack. Also, it is not a guaranteed hit on an airborne target; sometimes the Jumping CQC may miss. However, there is no way an airborne VR can block the attack.
Non-Tracking CQC
Guard-Cancel CQC attacks are actually a modified form of the normal Standing CQC attacks, but are different enough to warrant their own section. They are executed by first performing a block command then holding the block button (A Button), then press either LW or RW. Your weapon range does not matter, so long as you are have a "double-lock" visual, or in range for your longest range CQC weapon. There is no CW variation.
This allows you to do a normal standing CQC without the automatic dash to the opponent. The advantage to this move is that it is executed without the auto tracking that prolongs the CQC execution time- thus making any type of CQC with auto-tracking easily avoidable for any VR that is stationary.
Non-tracking CQC's features improved knock down capabilities.
Most VRs utilise Non-Tracking CQC attacks either as a superfast CQC attack at very short range or as a counterattack immediately after blocking an attacker's normal Standing CQC attack. The latter is also automatic, as the player is already blocking; all he needs to do is to quickly stop the block and hit his LW or RW trigger to attack before the attacker can mount his own defence.
Certain VRs, especially Cypher and Temjin, really benefit from Non-Tracking CQC attacks as they have 1 or both of their LW\RW CQC attacks set up to take special advantage of it. For instance, Temjin's Standing LW CQC attack consist in him rushing up and delivering a large 180 degrees horizontal slash to the front using his swordrifle. The Non-Tracking version would only cause him to step forward slightly, but still slash across that same wide arc. Temjin's swordrifle is so long that he can easily hit anything standing in front of him at medium-long CQC range (~60-70 meters) with his Non-Tracking LW CQC attack, unless the target chooses to jump over or duck under the slash. Similar, Cypher can do the same with both his Non-Tracking LW or RW CQC attacks, though at slightly shorter ranges as his energy sword projection is not as long. VRs with lesser abilites in this field would include Fei-Yen Kn and Specineff.
When an opponent is knocked down, it is possible to inflict a little extra damage on the prone VR. Each VR has one special 'downed opponent' attack to cause much more extra damage. Stay in CQC range for all weapons, and when available, the ammunition gauge idicating the relevant trigger to press will turn from yellow to light green (look really good, because the colors are close). You must be in that weapon's CQC range to execute the move.
- Here is a list for the VR's special Down-VR CQC:
Temjin: RW
Apharmd B: RW
Apharmd S: LW
Raiden: RW
Ajim: RW (lasts long)
Grys-Vok: RW
Angelan: RW
Cypher: RW
Bal-Bados: LW
Dordray: LW
Fei: LW
Specineff: RW
A good time to go for a melee attack is when the opponent is in the air. Most air attacks are easily avoided my moving in any forward direction with a dash as the projectiles fired against you tend to go over your VR.
The general rule of thumb evident in Virtual On is that once you fire in either jump or dash, your VR locks up until the end of the jump or dash- meaning you cannot jump cancel, or dash cancel, or side dash during a jump. You are basically in a vulnerable position once you fire in a jump. Knowing this, you can basically dash forward to any opponent that has jumped in the air and move to melee position. Remember not to fire in your dash, as again, you cannot dash cancel once you have fired during a dash. Dash cancel just in front of where your opponent will land (or you can dash cancel behind the opponent and do a quick jump cancel to face him- leaving his back exposed). Perform your CQC BEFORE the opponent lands so the timing of the punch/slice/sweep/etc. catches the opponent just as your opponent lands on the ground. If you time it right, the opponent should have no option to dash or run out of the way.
Use this technique when the opponent does a side dash out of a jump (usually done frequently by the Computer controlled Fei-Yen). Dash and dash cancel to the point where the opponent will land and wait for the correct timing.
If the opponent has dashed out of the way and you miss your CQC, do a quick jump cancel (Press Y, then A in quick succession). Most times, the opponent will still be in CQC range. So pursue, pursue, pursue. Pursue with either CQC, or standard fire.
Another tactic to use to get into CQC range is to use artillery that cancels out your opponents weapons. The rolling grenade explosions (left weopon) that Apharmd S, Apharmd B, and Grys-Vok has all cancel out the majority of various lasers (not Raiden's Center Weapon, etc.) and missiles thrown at them. Since the explosions start at a close proximity to your VR, and roll toward the opponent at roughly the same speed as your VR (Apharmd B/S) in a dash, the explosions can be used as a "rolling shield" to dash toward your opponent and get into CQC range- keeping you relatively safe from any type of attack.
Find various weaponry that cause explosions as they usually are the ones that cancel out your opponents weapons. Also pay attention to some of the various lasers shots that cancel out other lasers or missiles.
Using melee tactics correctly can end matches very, very quickly.
One thing I forgot to delve into about CQC attacks is defending them. You can block a CQC attack; a double-lock must be established with your virtuaroid. Just hold the A Button [DC Pad] or pull the Sticks together [Twin Sticks]. While this is a good maneuver for standing CQC attacks from your opponent (blocking will not fully protect you from damage- around 2/100% damage), it will not block against LOW CQC attacks. Low attacks are avoidable with jumping.
Another form of CQC is the Jumping CQC Attack that takes care of pilots who like to avoid CQC's with jumping. Jumping CQC attacks are performed by pressing the Y Button with any combination of triggers while engaging the enemy in a double lock. Of course, jumping CQC's are easily blocked, or dashed away from. Using Jumping CQC attacks only on airborne opponents as missing an attempt will leave you WIDE OPEN and will surely make you sorry against a good foe.
As you may already have figured out, there are certain counter measures available for each defensive maneuver by your opposing pilot. ANTICIPATE, LEARN THEIR HABITS, AND ANTICIPATE!
There are melee attacks available without the need for the "double-lock" that you usually need to perform any type of Close Combat (Melee) attacks- and are performed using any type of forward dash [up, up-left, or up-right] + X Button or B Button, then pressing Down + any trigger or both triggers while in the dash.
~Variations: Rolander
~Dashing CQC: Rolander