Selective fire on Raiden's normal standing CW Laser and RTCW Screw Lasers
are pretty self-evident. You reduce ammunition drain at the expense of
firing only 1 beam with corresponding reduction in area coverage. This can
hurting when trying to hit something right in front of you, but selective
fire of lasers can be more practical with the advanced strategy/tactic of
predicting an enemy's movement/dash path and firing the laser/s to intersect
the path so they run directly into the laser beam/s... FRIED. It won't
really matter so much as they'll be running across the laser path/s as
opposed to you trying to catch them directly. AFAIK, the damage is not
affected by selective fire; in the arcade 5.2, Raiden's laser attack
sometimes do reduced damage but can't put a finger on it (I sometimes got
fried by his lasers only too wonder how did I escape with relatively little
damage as opposed to crying)
Raiden's LTCW fires his Laser cages. Selective firing would give only half
a cage on the side that the trigger is held down. However, at any one time,
Raiden can have either a full cage or 2 half-cages (both can be of the same
side, as long as there's only 2). So Raiden can fire a half-cage, run to
one side and when his CW energy recharges enough, fire another half cage
intersection the first in an X manner (it is possible to trap an enemy
within the criss-crossed half cages and the stage boundary). Any attempt to
go beyond the 1-cage/2-half-cages limit would result in the destruction\loss
of the oldest cage.
Selective fire reduces the no. of missiles fired, generally.
Grysvok's' RTCW
would cause him to release 3 sets of 2 big homing missiles in succession
from his sides. Now, standard selective fire can allow Grysvok to fire only
3 missiles from the chosen side only, but if you try alternating the trigger
pressing, Grysvok can possibly fire any 3 combinations of left/right/both
missiles. e.g.
- RTCW - RW - LW - RW = 1 right missile, 1 left missile, 1 right missile
RTCW - hold (or maybe you can release?) - RW - LW = both missiles, 1 right
missile, 1 left missile.
This can also apply to Raiden's side dash laser attack (he opens his laser
batteries, then fires 4 short laser blasts alternating between his 2
batteries) in a modified form. Just holding down the right/left trigger
would cause him to fire only 2 blasts from his right/left shoulder
respectively. Playing around with the triggers can have some alternate
effect. e.g.
- Side-dash CW - RW - CW = either right blast, pause, right blast, left blast
or right blast, left blast, right blast.
In the arcade 5.2 version, his normal CW fires a 2-part missile, each have
somewhat different characteristics. Selective fire can cause him to shoot
only the 1st or 2nd part of the missile (RW probably gives the 1st missile
and vice versa). I noticed that your table don't seem to have a half-fire energy drain entry for his normal CW (maybe 5.45 has it different) but selective fire should still be application to his other modes of firing.
Doing a normal CW cause him to release his hand ERLs which will fly to
attack his enemy. Using selective fire, you can choose to have only 1 hand
ERL attacking.
His RTCW releases all his ERLs to attack in a similar manner; selective fire
would cause only the ERLs (hand and thigh) from one side of his body to
His LTCW fires a DOUBLE laser beam from his chest; again, selective fire
would only fire 1 beam.
Bal-Bados' crouch CW (House Laser or whatever you call it) is different
because it cannot be selectively fired under normal conditions. However, in
certain situation when 1 ERL is unavailable and/or insufficient energy,
sometimes he would only release 1 thigh ERL to do a somewhat smaller version
of his house laser.
Cypher has only 1 (or more depending on how you see it) of his CW attack
that is compatible with selective fire. In normal crouching CW, he crouches
and fires 4 fast, small homing projectiles from his shoulders; standing LTCW
has him hunch his shoulders forward before firing a visually-similar set of
4 projectiles. Some of his dash CW attacks also fires this affection ally
named 4-Way Missiles.
Selective fire causes Cypher to release only 2 missiles from his preferred
side. On the arcade version, his crouch CW, standing LTCW and jumping LTCW
can be used with selective fire. Also, the arcade 5.2 Cypher fires 4-Way
Missiles in an aerial side dash CW or a back (down) dash crouch CW. However
the arcade 5.2 does not allow selective firing of dash 4-Way Missiles under
normal conditions (the solo exception I found in 5.2 is at Tangram stage:
Cypher CAN do a side dash 2-Way Missiles with selective fire at that stage)